The wand washes itself inside and out with EWATER+ to maintain hygienic conditons.
Before and after each use, the wand automatically sanitizes itself with antibacterial EWATER+. This thorough cleaning occurs inside the wand as well as all around the exterior. Even when the toilet is not being used, the wand periodically cleans itself to ensure constant hygienic conditions.
Survey: Study the effectiveness of EWATER+ by comparing the state of cleanliness of wands self-cleaned with EWATER+ versus those that are not. No additional cleaning was allowed.
Survey period: Two months (Sep. – Oct. 2017).
Subjects: Families of four.
*Results vary according to usage, environmental conditions, and product type. All data collected by TOTO.
Self-cleans with water
Self-cleans with water
Self-cleanses inside and out with EWATER+
Self-cleanses inside with EWATER+
Survey period: Two months (Sep. – Oct. 2017).
Subjects: Families of four.
*Results vary according to usage, environmental conditions, and product type. All data collected by TOTO.
Antibacterial self-cleaning inside the mechanism, too

Always Keeping Conditions Clean
Made of high-quality waste-resistant resin and automatically sprayed with EWATER+ after each use, the wand is extremely resistant to waste and stains. What’s more, the wand attaches to the seat, not the bowl, so waste is less likely to even reach it. Though the wand is self-cleaning, you will appreciate how easily you can reach it and wipe it spotless.
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