Thinking Drawing / Working Drawing

Thinking Drawing / Working Drawing

Category Commercial Architecture
Author Direction: Glenn Murcutt
Language English - Japanese
Publishing year 2008
Publisher TOTO Publishing
ISBN ISBN = 978-4-88706-294-8
Size 250 x 190mm
Pages 248
Description of contents

“Drawing collection” of beautiful sustainable architecture

This book is the first Japanese drawing collection of Glenn Murcutt (1936-), a leading Australian architect.

Murcutt, who won the Pritzker Prize, also known as the Nobel Prize of the architecture world, in 2002 and has received high acclaim around the world, has created over 500 buildings in Australia in his 40 years of design activity. Murcutt's architecture not only possesses beauty backed by minute details but is also carefully considered as a "contrast" that creates a rich living space in harmony with the natural environment.

Murcutt does not make models and thinks about architecture only with drawings, and draws almost all drawings by himself. This book presents thirteen of his most representative works through drawings ranging from his early sketches to detailed construction drawings. The drawings shown in this book are a journey of architectural discovery by Murcutt, who says that "architecture is the process of discovering itself."

In addition, in the collection of works "Glenn Murcutt's Architecture" published at the same time, 13 works published in this book are introduced with photographs.
“Drawing collection” of beautiful sustainable architecture

This book is the first Japanese drawing collection of Glenn Murcutt (1936-), a leading Australian architect.

Murcutt, who won the Pritzker Prize, also known as the Nobel Prize of the architecture world, in 2002 and has received high acclaim around the world, has created over 500 buildings in Australia in his 40 years of design activity. Murcutt's architecture not only possesses beauty backed by minute details but is also carefully considered as a "contrast" that creates a rich living space in harmony with the natural environment.

Murcutt does not make models and thinks about architecture only with drawings, and draws almost all drawings by himself. This book presents thirteen of his most representative works through drawings ranging from his early sketches to detailed construction drawings. The drawings shown in this book are a journey of architectural discovery by Murcutt, who says that "architecture is the process of discovering itself."

In addition, in the collection of works "Glenn Murcutt's Architecture" published at the same time, 13 works published in this book are introduced with photographs.

Glenn Murcutt

1936, Born in London, England. His parents are Australian
1950-1955, Manly High School (Sydney)
1956-1961, a degree in architecture from Sydney Technical College (now University of New South Wales)
1964-1969, Worked for Anchor, Mortlock, Murray & Woolley Architects (Sydney)
1969, Open office
1996, Order of Australia
2002, Pritzker Prize

Source: TOTO Publising