

Category Urban Planning - Landscape
Author Masaaki Furuya
Language Japan
Publishing year 2019
Publisher TOTO Publishing
ISBN ISBN: 978-4-88706-213-9
Size 218×152mm
Pages 232
Description of contents

"Architecture is of value to me as a framework through which to consider the worldIn addition to presenting scattered fragmentary notes collected from various sources, I hope to indicate here a process for generating architecture." Furuya Nobuakis's personal introduction sets the tone of this original, thoughtful, and information-packed publication. Models, sketches, small reflective texts, and ground plans reference photographs from the Tibetan plains to Arabic texts in stone, together form insight into the making of Nobuakis buildings. This is a sourcebook for creative inspiration.

Furuya Nobuaki

Born in Tokyo in 1955. In 1978, he graduated from the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, and Completed graduate school at the same university in 1980. In 1980, he became an assistant at the Hozumi Laboratory at the same graduate school. In 1983, he became an assistant at the same university’s Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Engineering. In 1986, he joined the Mario Botta office as a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering at Kinki University and as an overseas trainee for artists from the Agency for Cultural Affairs. In 1990 he was Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Kinki University. In 1994, he established Studio Nasca with Sachiko Yagi, an assistant professor in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, at Waseda University. In 1997 he was a Professor, at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University. In 1991 he got the 8th Yoshioka Award “Kitsunegajo no Ie”, JIA Newcomer Award “Poetry and Fairy Tale Picture Book Museum”(1999), “Gunma Prefecture Nakazato Village New Government Building Design Proposal” Grand Prize (2000), “Chino City Citizens”(2001), Hall construction and surrounding maintenance design proposal “Best plan award” (This data was published at the time this book was published)

Source: TOTO Publising