Go Hasegawa Works

Go Hasegawa Works

Category Civil Architecture
Author Go Hasegawa
Language English - Japanese
Publishing year 2012
Publisher TOTO Publishing
ISBN ISBN = 978-4-88706-323-5
Size 300×240mm
Pages 176
Description of contents

Hasegawa Go
Born in 1965 in Colorado, USA. Graduated with a bachelor's degree in East Asian Studies and Visual Environment from Harvard University (with honors). Earned a master's degree in architecture from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Ph.D. in architectural history and theory from Columbia University. Currently an associate professor at the University of Washington. In 2011-2012, served as an International Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo.

His authored and co-authored works include 'Arata Isozaki' (Phaidon, 2009), 'International Architecture in Interwar Japan: Constructing Kokusai Kenchiku' (University of Washington Press, 2009), 'Visions of the Real 20世紀のモダン・ハウス : 理想の実現 I・II' (special issue a+u, 2000), among others.

He has contributed to the catalog of MoMA's "Home Delivery" exhibition, curated the exhibition "SANAA: Beyond Borders," and served as co-curator of the "Antonin & Noemi Raymond Exhibition."

Go Hasegawa

Born in 1977 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2002. Worked at the Yoshiharu Nishizawa Architect Office from 2002 to 2004. Established the Go Hasegawa Architecture Office in 2005. Currently serving as a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science, and Hosei University.

Awards history:
2005 SD Review Award
2005 Kajima Prize (for “House in Forest”)
2007 Tokyo Gas Living Space Design Competition 1st Prize (for “House in Forest”)
2007 Tokyo Architects Association Residential Architecture Award Gold Prize (for “House in Forest”)
2007 28th INAX Design Contest Gold Prize (for “House in Sakuradai”)
2008 24th Shinkenchiku Award (for “House in Sakuradai”)

Source: TOTO Publising