Discovering New

Discovering New

Category Industrial Architecture
Author Akihisa Hirata
Language English - Japan
Publishing year 2018
Publisher TOTO Publishing
ISBN ISBN = 978-4-88706-373-0
Size 210 x 168 mm
Pages 280
Description of contents

TOTO Publishing has published "Akihisa HIRATA Discovering New - Architectural Works by Akihisa Hirata".

Mr. Akihisa Hirata, winner of the 31st Murano Togo Award. In this book, Mr. Hirata's architectural philosophy and 23 major works from the early days to the latest works are introduced together.

Selecting A4 size and large format, full of visual materials that convey the concept such as photographs and detailed drawings, we approach the charm of Hirata architecture from various viewpoints. Project works that purely convey architectural ideas are also treated on the same level as the actual works, and detailed models are taken and introduced.

It contains three newly written texts "Discovering New Form", "Discovering New Nature" and "Discovering New Commitment". Mr. Hirata, who has been pursuing new "form" and "nature" in architecture, presented a new way of "commitment" through a workshop with citizens at the "Ota City Museum and Library". On the text page, 12 keywords such as "folds," "hierarchy," and "history" are supplemented by visuals that at first glance do not seem to be related to architecture, such as photographs of butterflies dancing, jellyfish, and nebulae. I'm going to unravel the thoughts of. It is a fulfilling text that understands the background behind Mr. Hirata's works.

This is a long-awaited collection of works that will let you know about Mr. Hirata's past and future.

Akihisa Hirata

1971 Born in Osaka Prefecture
1994 Graduated from the Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University 1997 After completing the Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, worked at Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects
2005 Established Akihisa Hirata Architects 2015
-Kyoto University Associate Professor

2004 SD Review 2004 Asakura Award
2008 19th JIA Newcomer Award
2012 13th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition Golden Lion Award (Collaboration with Japan Pavilion)
2015 Architectural Design Institute of Japan Award
2018 31st Murano Togo Award

2009 Animated, Graphic-sha
2009 Co-authored Architectural Principles in 20XX / INAX Publishing
2010 Co-authored Architect’s Reading Techniques / TOTO Publishing
2011 “Contemporary Architect Concept Series 8 Akihisa Hirata Architecture is to create a <white space>” LIXIL Publishing
2013 “Is architecture possible here?” Co-author / TOTO Publishing

Source: TOTO Publising