Design for nothingness

Design for nothingness

Category Commercial Architecture
Author Takashi Sugimoto
Language English - Japanese
Publishing year 2011
Publisher TOTO Publishing
ISBN ISBN = 978-4-88706-317-4
Size 210 x 148 mm
Pages 326
Description of contents

Rebellious interior designer, Takashi Sugimoto's first essay

Takashi Sugimoto, a renowned interior designer from Japan, has created innovative concepts for top-notch hotels such as Hyatt, Shangri-La, and The Ritz-Carlton. Furthermore, he has meticulously crafted commercial spaces such as MUJI stores, bars, and restaurants. His expertise lies in the field of commercial space design.

In this book, Mr. Sugimoto, who has been at the forefront of the design world for 40 years, introduces the projects he has been involved in, the people he has met, the things he has come into contact with, and the land he has come into contact with. This is a newly written essay that spells out the meaning of things.

Starting with the opening and subsequent renovation of "Bar Radio", which was visited by many designers and cultural figures and was later said to be a legendary bar. He talks lively about his interactions with the late graphic designer Ikko Tanaka and the thinking process behind creating MUJI stores. Design is not to create, but to find out. This is a book where you can decipher the various thoughts behind his works and feel the magnetic field emitted by Mr. Sugimoto.

Takashi Sugimoto

1945, Born in Tokyo
1968, Graduated from the Department of Crafts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
1973, Established Super Potato
1985, “TOTO GALLERY・MA” Steering Committee Member (until 2010)
1992, Musashino Art University Faculty of Art and Design Department of Spatial Design Design Professor
2011, Retired from the same university

Source: TOTO Publising