Category Industrial Architecture
Author Alejandro Aravena
Language English - Japanese
Publishing year 2011
Publisher TOTO Publishing
ISBN ISBN = 978-4-88706-320-4
Size 210 x 148 mm
Pages 200
Description of contents

Ask the right questions!

This book is the first collection of works in Japan by Alejandro Aravena, a globally active architect based in Chile, South America. In addition to introducing 25 works by Alejandro Aravena Architects and 8 works by Elemental ("Do Tank" led by Mr. Aravena), there is also an interview at the end of the book where you can understand Mr. Aravena's way of thinking.

“Take enough time not just to find an answer, but to ask the right questions'', says Aravena, a traditional artist-like architect who would dismiss it as a hindrance to originality. We start designing by accepting all the "constraints and regulations" and setting the "right questions".

Through such a design approach, the concept of "chairless" overturning the concept of a chair, the "Siam Tower" characterized by a monumental form derived from the perspective of environmental consideration, and social housing for the poor are made into investment targets. In response to the Chilean earthquake in February 2010, the “Earthquake and Tsunami Countermeasures,” which proposed concrete measures that could be taken in 1 day, 10 days, or 100 days, were born.

In this chaotic and uncertain world, this book makes us realize the role of "architecture" as a powerful tool that integrates complex things and gives direction.

Alejandro Aravena

Born in 1967. He studied at the Catholic University of Chile and opened his own design office in 1994. He also serves as the representative of “ELEMENTAL”, which was jointly established by the Catholic University of Chile and the Chilean oil company COPEC. He designs a wide range of educational facilities, public facilities, private office buildings, museums, private residences, and collective housing. He was a visiting professor at the Harvard University Graduate School from 2000 to 2005 and is currently a professor at the Catholic University of Chile. Since 2009, he has been a member of the Pritzker Prize jury. In 2010 he was a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects. His major awards include the Erich Schering Architecture Medal in 2006, the Silver Lion Award at the 11th Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition in 2008, the Marcus Architecture Prize in 2009, and the Avoni Prize in 2009. In 2008, he was selected as one of 20 outstanding young architects by Icon magazine. He also lectures around the world.

Source: TOTO Publising